Sunday Shootout Cape Town
Sunday Shootout Cape Town
Added on 12 Feb 2017
Watched 3,323 times

Every odd Sunday the beautiful cycling community of Cape Town gets together at the Greenpoint circle to connect, show off their wheels and, most importantly, what they can do with them. We were aked to join in the fun and film one of these races. This is what we ended up with...
For more information about the event and its oganisers, please visit:
Thanks to everyone who made this video possible. Those I know:
Charl Neethling - Rider and Race Organiser
Teegan Smith - Camera
Eric Van Zyl - Camera
Nils Hansen - Rider
As well as to everyone from the day I don't yet have the pleasure of knowing, but without whom the video would not have been possible.
I do not own the rights to the music in the film, but I couldn't think of any song that would be better suited for the footage. All musical credit goes to Kasabian. Track title "Vlad the Impaler."
Shot on Canon 5D, Canon 7D, ION Action Cameras and GoPros.
Thank you
Paul Boshoff

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